In point of the surviving in the growing world and could groving in the event of enterprices should take a decision, we serve about office automations, buyying and selling of automation machines, executing of electric-electronic projects, industrial automation softwares, engineering solutions, strategical planning, maitanance of industirial products, using of external source, programing of the NC, CNC,PLC and its systems and executing the systems according to companies.
Product Design
The electronic design consists of prepartory work, drawing of circuit scheme, making eletronic board, mounting of the electronic equipments and test process.
Embedded Design
There are some difficulties during the embedded desing. Because this design is required knowladge of the programing and hardware . As a result, in terms of design the programmer and hardware-people should work together. Otherwise the system may not work with hardware and software harmoniously. In view of this point, our company serve who suplies togetherness betweent software and hardware. |
Automation, with large mean, is the concept which contains controling and tracing of technicial processes. As techinical mean, control generally contains adjusting and collimation of product-process using industrial automation instruments or systems as well as command and setting.
Not only HCT Company codes PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) Siemens, Omron, Fanuc, LG brands and others but also HCT designs automation solutions which depend on our cutomer’s demands. In this context, we also make solutions on PC based if customes want.