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In view of on circumstance as to automation and control which corroborated by every discipline, our company serves consultancy services, software about CNC, PCL, NC with scada aplication (Siemens, Omron, Fanuc,Delta, Telemecanique, Fatek, Moeller, Mitsubishi and others ) , mecatronic design, electrical panel applications(low voltage panels, control panels, low voltage compansation panels..), electronic design(product design using Freescale, Renesas, Atmel microprocessor and others, embeded design...), selling of the expendable supplies, with specialist engineer staffs that use modern technology.


Automation, with large mean, is the concept which contains controling and tracing of technicial processes. As techinical mean, control generally contains adjusting and collimation of product-process using industrial automation instruments or systems as well as command and setting.

Not only HCT Company codes PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) Siemens, Omron, Fanuc, LG brands and others but also HCT designs automation solutions which depend on our cutomer’s demands. In this context, we also make solutions on PC based if customes want.

We make solutions at the aplications about pozition control for CNC machines(drawing project, programing, entegration programing with another aplication program, solving proglems and maintenance)

Otomasyon Çözümleri
CNC,NC, PLC, Scada Applicationsı:

Not only HCT Company codes PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) Siemens, Omron, Fanuc, LG brands and others but also HCT designs automation solutions which depend on our cutomer’s demands. In this context, we also make solutions on PC based if customes want.

We make solutions at the aplications about pozition control for CNC machines(drawing project, programing, entegration programing with another aplication program, solving proglems and maintenance)

CNC, NC, PLC, Scada
Mechatronic Design:

Mechatronic is an application which consists of mechanical engineering, electric-electronic engineering and computer technology. The mechatronic design process starts after the requirements have appeared and continues.

with possible solutions. Finally ideal solution is found and performed. In this context, HCT makes building machine, revisions of old machines, mold and the other requred things according to mechatronic process.

Mekatronik Tasarım
The Electrical Panel Aplications:

• Low Voltage Panels: It is made according to CE, TSE, ISO to 4000kVA.

Alçak Gerilim Panosu

• Control Panels: It is materialize that depend on the prepaired project or regard as the process about the including CNC, NC, PLC.

Kumanda Panosu

• Low Voltage Compensation Panels: We take precaution when we desing compansation panels(slection of the suitable equipments and long life battery are rather improtant). Therefore we provide energy and equipment frugality by means of harmonic filters.

Kompanzasyon Panosu
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