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In view of on circumstance as to automation and control which corroborated by every discipline, our company serves consultancy services, software about CNC, PCL, NC with scada aplication (Siemens, Omron, Fanuc,Delta, Telemecanique, Fatek, Moeller and others ) , mecatronic design, electrical panel applications(low voltage panels, control panels, low voltage compansation panels..), electronic design(product design using Freescale, Renesas, Atmel microprocessor and others, embeded design...), selling of the expendable supplies, with specialist engineer staffs that use modern technology.


Consultancy servicesIn point of the surviving in the growing world and could groving in the event of enterprices should take a decision, we serve about office automations, buyying and selling of automation machines, executing of electric-electronic projects, industrial automation softwares, engineering solutions, strategical planning, maitanance of industirial products, using of external source, programing of the NC, CNC,PLC and its systems and executing the systems according to companies.

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